Saturday, April 28, 2012


By the very definition of the word, Christology is the study of Christ.  We seek to understand Christ and the work that he did by asking the questions: Who is Jesus?  What is the significance of his work?  And even as we begin to look for our answers, we find that these are questions that were being asked even while Jesus still walked on this earth, as all who marveled at his teachings and at his miracles and at his mighty deeds asked themselves and each other, “What kind of man is this?” (Matthew 8:27 NIV1984)  The inevitable question that would have followed, even if it was an unspoken one was, “What does this mean?” 
It was the same question John the Baptist wondered, as he sent his followers to ask Jesus if Jesus was the Messiah.  In answer, Jesus told them to report to John what they had seen and heard of Jesus, so that John could answer Jesus’ implied question: What does my work tell you about who I am?   In asking those questions posed by the study of Christology, I find myself, like John the Baptist, being asked by Christ, “What does my work tell you about who I am?”  And then the next question is asked, “What does who I AM mean for your life?”

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